• Janice Carr Smith     Linkmap Image

    Janice Carr Smith



    Janice Carr was raised by liberal parents in ’60s in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a short hike from Harvard Square. As a kid, she liked to read, write, and act out her stories with her stuffed animals, and sometimes her brother, Charlie, while Dad’s Wurlitzer Organ buzzed the corners of the ceiling, rocking the house. Mom would be out marching for some left-wing cause or candidate.

    All that ended when Janice was twelve. Cancer struck, first her mom, then her dad. By fourteen, she was orphaned and living in Florida with relatives who had a very different world view. When they decided to move farther into their rural world, Jan rebelled and returned home to finish high school, living with a dear family friend to whom her first book is lovingly dedicated.

    Itching to be on her own, no longer a guest, she left campus-rich Boston for a Radio-TV-Film major at Northwestern University. The college Outing Club opened her city-born eyes to the natural world with hiking, rock-climbing and spelunking trips, and she switched to a Geology major.

    After years of wandering, she settled in Northern California, where she married John Smith and made a career of shepherding projects through California’s rigorous environmental compliance process, first at a private engineering firm and later for a rural county public works department.

    Janice retired in 2017. One day, in her garden, she started hearing the voices of two twelve-year-old boys. One of them was an alien, and he was saying some pretty interesting stuff. Janice knew she wasn't cracking up. It was just time to realize here lifelong dream of writing, and so, The Look 'N Up was born.

    Janice is a member of: The Author's Guild, the Women's Fiction Writer's Association, The Wishing Shelf, and the Alliance of Independent Authors.

  • Look 'N Up Invasion Image

    Look 'N Up Invasion